Welcome to Sherwood
I’m so thrilled to (finally) be starting The Sherwood Report on substack.com. This has been a(n embarrassingly) long-time coming, and I can’t wait to get started.
I’m working a new book I’m working on, so the topics will be things I’m researching on that front, as well as covering topics that relating to my (and Po Bronson’s) books Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing and NurtureShock.
For more on what I’m doing and working on, the “bottom line upfront” (BLUF as my military friends say), is that my passion is to discover the science that can improve our lives—what can help people succeed and thrive.
For more about me and what I am/I have been working on, please check out the About page or the link to my website, which has links to more info about the books, articles I’ve written, and more.
The monthly post will come out on the last Monday of each month, and each will have a printable PDF version. Paid subscribers will get additional posts, online Zooms with me to talk about issues, and more as I go along.
This is actually the second iteration of Sherwood, so I’m going to start out with some issues of the original newsletter to get the ball rolling. And I’ll be starting new content shortly (a.k.a. as soon as I figure out how to do this.).